Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Death's Shine

Death. It is feared by many, but why? I hear people say things like it would suck to die young because they miss the experiences of life. Let me let you in on a little secret. I look forward to dying, make no mistake about it, but I am NOT suicidal. I am very happy with my life. That brings up another question that you might be wondering. Why would you want to die if you love your life? The answer can be summed up in one word, GOD. We hear the phrase, "he lost his life to cancer." FALSE! When you die, you don't "lose your life." You simply slip into an even greater life, an eternal life alongside the almighty creator, GOD.

Why would anyone want to spend any longer on this corrupt, sinful land, when you could be with God? There is no such thing as missing out on things of this earth because you died young. That just isn't true. Do you really think that while you're up there in Heaven standing alongside GOD, you will be thinking, "Man! I wish I was down there." That is not to say we shouldn't enjoy our life on this Earth. We should live this life to its fullest the way GOD prepared it.

Have you become too comfortable on this planet? Have you made this place your home? It's not your home, and nothing here can be brought with you after you die. The bible says to store our treasures in Heaven, not on this earth. This life is temporary. With that said, why do people center their lives around things that are here today and gone tomorrow? People idolize the temporary and ignore the eternal.

Live this moment like it's your last. I'm not saying to go out and fulfill your bucket list because that stuff doesn't matter. Ask yourself these questions. Are your treasures stored in Heaven or on this earth? Are you comfortable with dying at this moment, or would you feel cheated out of life? Better yet, are you looking forward to dying and being with GOD?

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