Monday, August 13, 2012

1st Weekend at the Buck Lodge

After a long wait, I am finally all moved into my house for hopefully the next 3 years. People around UVA would know it as the Buck Lodge. I am so excited for this year because of the people around me. The house is full of XA guys, and we are in what they call Chi Alpha Land.

So I moved in Saturday haven't really done much to this point. Last night I went over to another house that is lived in by a bunch of XA alumni and interns. I knew everyone there on various levels. It was really great to see these guys again and hear about what they're doing. A few are going to be interns with XA next year and a few are going to go over to Cairo to work with Dick Brogden (which if I say so myself, that is pretty awesome. That man is a hoss). To hear what they have been doing in terms of raising support and what they have to do was interesting to hear. To be honest, I don't really know what I want to do when I graduate, but I have thought about things like interning for XA or devoting a year to missions, so to hear from the guys that are doing just that was cool (not to mention it was from some UVA XA stalwarts like Robbie, Taylor, Alex, Stephen, Andy, and Colin). I've never been that guy to really hang out with people outside of my grade, but through XA I have met so many awesome older guys. Like I said these guys all graduated. It's been great to learn from them, and I am pumped that a lot  of them will be around for this year or at least parts of it.

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