Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Action Packed Thought

Do you think before you act or act before you think? These are two distinctively different personality types, but both of them can get you into trouble. Just like most things, each personality type has its pros and cons. I'm not trying to analyze personalities in this post, so don't expect that. What I want to look at in particular is the type, thinking before acting, because that is what I identify with.

So you are the thinker. You always think before you act. Often times these people are the more timid people. You didn't get into much trouble as a kid. It is always a good idea to think before you act, but there is a problem associated with it. Me being one of these people, I find myself often times over thinking certain things. Sometimes I think about something so much I end up missing my chance to act on it. Perhaps it's during a small group discussion. I think about what I'm going to say so long in my head to make sure it all comes out perfect that I miss my chance to talk. Thought without action isn't helpful. As a Christian we are designed to be in community. In order to experience the life God intended for us, we must exit our minds and do something. We can't live in our heads. We are called to "go and make disciples of all nations."(Matthew 28:19, NIV) In order to do this, we must take a leap of faith. For me that was thinking less and doing more. Spending less time in my head and more time in the group and in the community. One thing that has really helped me do this is going out to do 2x2 evangelism around grounds at UVA. As you would expect, there isn't much time to just sit there thinking out each word you're going to say. That would just be awkward. It has really helped me think and talk at the same time. It takes a leap of faith that I will indeed have an answer and something to say. That all leads back to quiet time, spending time with Jesus in the scriptures. The more you know, the easier it will be to regurgitate it and to think on your feet. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13, NIV) This verse sums it up, but the thing is in order to get the strength from God, you must spend time with God. God can't pour into you if you don't let him. God isn't going to force his way into your heart. You have to open it up to him. It is through our quiet time that shows our dependence on God and lets him into our life. We were given such a beautiful gift in the Bible. Don't waste it.

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