Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Surrender All

In light of the spirit of Easter, I am once again reminded of the greatest sacrifice ever known to man. I am reminded of the meaning of the emblem I wear around my neck without second thought most days. I am reminded of the compassion of my Redeemer. I am reminded of the forgiveness of my Father. I am reminded of the love and grace of my Friend, my Brother. I am reminded of the strength and power of my God. I am confronted with the beauty that is Jesus.

I am also reminded of how the only reasonable response is complete and utter surrender at the foot of the cross. I am reminded of what this surrendering of self should look like as spoken ever so beautifully by Dick Brogden. Jesus does not need you! We are NOT needed, but we are invited. How wonderful is it that we are invited into this great love story, not only as the subjects, but also as participants, as carriers. Jesus invites us into the joy of spreading this life changing gospel. The only condition is complete and utter surrender. Take it or leave it, because Jesus "never has and never will negotiate terms." Negotiation asks for more and surrenders less. Negotiating with Christ says the cross wasn't enough and that we need more. It says that we won't give into His terms because we aren't willing to give what He asks. He asks for everything, and He is deserving of everything.

Now this sermon was spoken at a conference of college students dedicated to missions known as The World Missions Summit. Dick goes on to speak of what this surrender means and how we should carry the gospel to the world. It truly is a powerful and beautiful sermon that I encourage everyone to give a listen to.

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."        ~ Matthew 16:24

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