Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rebel Bride

Belief is a powerful thing, and faith is an even more powerful belief. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines faith as follows: something that is believed especially with strong conviction. Often times people that believe in the triune, Christian God are referred to as just that, believers. Thus non-believers would be those who do not believe. Simple enough right? You might be wondering where am I going with this. Well here it is.

There are many people that would call themselves believers, but it is not evident in their life. They say that they have faith in the almighty God but live their lives the same as somebody who has never even heard His name. Do you see a problem with that? Our faith should shine in and through our lives! 

Often times in the Bible Christ is referred to as the bridegroom of the church and the church the bride of Christ. What makes up the church? People do. We do. WE are the bride of Christ! So now I ask you. When somebody gets married, don't they intentionally try to know everything and share everything with their partner? Bride and bridegroom seek out the most intimate of human relationships. Why don't we do the same when it comes to our relationship with Christ? Maybe you never even heard that it is possible to have an intimate relationship with Jesus. Scripture, as well as the life of Jesus himself, makes it pretty clear that that is the relationship that God desires for us though. 

Why do we rebel against that? Why are we so unfaithful to the marriage? How can our marriage with God prosper if we don't make it a priority in our life to spend time with Him? It simply cannot. We are robbing ourselves of everything that God intended for us when we just stick Him in our back pocket and use Him as a ticket to avoid hell and get to heaven. 

Do you know God? Is He a priority in your life above all creation? I challenge you to intentionally seek out and spend time with Jesus every day in order to continue to grow more intimately in your relationship with Him. 

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