Thursday, September 26, 2013


Here is a little snip it into tonight's core group. We had a lot of great discussion centered around Genesis 3.

Wow moments. What makes a wow moment a wow moment? I think it is the fact that it is somewhat unordinary. It is something that we don't really expect and leaves an imprint in our memory. It is perhaps a time of pure excitement and joy, or maybe just something that deeply impacted your personal being. Regardless, I think we would all agree that they don't happen everyday. If everything was a wow moment, would anything actually be a wow moment?

We are all, at least to some extent, searching for our next wow moment. We desire more. Generally we must find new wow moments because if they repeat, it is no longer a wow moment. The more routine something is, the less of a wow factor it carries. Well as you can see, overtime it gets harder and harder to make your own wow moments. It becomes draining. If you are always searching for the next big thing, you will eventually find yourself at the end of your rope in complete and utter disappointment. People try in different ways including but not limited to partying, adrenaline sports, dating/hooking up, etc.

Going back to the question on whether we can have a wow moment that is continuous, I believe we can, but not on our own accord. This isn't something we do nor create. This was an ultimate act of grace, love, and forgiveness. I am talking about Jesus dying on the cross for us. The image given in Romans 5: 6-8 is so beautiful that it will never fade. When thought about deeply and correctly, it leaves an eternal wow moment imprinted in our brains.

"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

In reality, this is not what we experience. Occasionally we will hear this story and be wowed by it but it only lasts for a moment. We allow ourselves to take it for granted as ordinary. We lose perception of how amazing it is. That is the biggest tragedy in this world today.

Going from day to day, week to week trying to create your own wow moments will end in failure, brokeness, emptiness, and despair, but if we would just let Jesus in, every moment of everyday would be filled with the wow moment that is the cross. It doesn't get anymore beautiful than that!

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